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The flowmeter of LPM 200 is intended for control over a consumption of the liquefied gas, it is developed for tanker trucks and cargo installations.
Thanks to high efficiency (from 80 to 380 l/min) it is convenient to use this counter for control of wholesale of the liquefied gas. The flowmeter of the LPM - 200 counter is a basis the high - quality measuring camera with the piston covered with supersolid material, with the special dense metal oxidized termination and the strengthened steel bearing shaft. - at the heart of development use of special teflon material with oxide of metal by which the piston and other details of the camera becomes covered lies. The case is made of magnesian cast iron that provides high reliability, durability and long operation.
Execution of the counter with the automatic compensator of temperature is possible.
Technical characteristics of the LPM 200 counter:
- Productivity - from 80 to 380 l/min
- Working pressure - to 24 Bars (24,6 kg/cm2)
- Counter units of measure - liters
- Move. the indication of the counter - 99999 l
- Move. the indication of the adder - 99 999 999 l.
- Range of working temperatures - from - 3 to 52 °C
- Full weight - 93 kg -
- Type of connections - 2 inch, carving
Files:The passport of LPM 200 - - - | - 290.5 KB |
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